• Distribution strategy

Mission Insurance | Strategy

Distribution strategy

Help to define the target vision of the distribution strategy for a large European Insurance Company

Distribution strategy


Distribution strategy is a powerful lever when it comes to the transformation of Insurance Companies. Companies have already launched a number of initiatives (strengthening of the digital strategy, launch of new points of sale formats, equipping of sales forces with modern tools, launch of bouquets of non-insurance services to meet customer needs, etc.) that have produced significant results.


In this context, breathe new life into the transformation plan by designing a target vision of the distribution strategy and a unifying document clearly setting out the vision, objectives, key themes and principal initiatives.


The development of the new sales strategy for 2025 was designed with a twofold objective: on the one hand, to encourage customer conquest and loyalty in an increasingly competitive market and, on the other, to optimise the commercial efficiency of the distribution networks.

The Ares & Co teams challenged the existing distribution model and proposed a new, more efficient model based on value-sharing principles between the company and the distributor. The main features of a new, innovative form of distribution were developed, including:

  • The detailed value proposition of the new distributor
  • The remuneration policy, in line with the objectives of the new commercial strategy and incorporating the notion of customer value
  • The point-of-sale concept for the future
  • The business model for each new distributor profile
  • The main operating principles of the sales tool integrating new technologies (Artificial Intelligence and Analytics)

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